Security Error 011

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Total impact: 17
Affected tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe, lfi

Variable: COOKIE.handl_landing_page | Value:
Impact: 5 | Tags: xss, csrf
Description: Detects JavaScript location/document property access and window access obfuscation | Tags: xss, csrf | ID: 23

Variable: COOKIE.handl_url | Value:
Impact: 5 | Tags: xss, csrf
Description: Detects JavaScript location/document property access and window access obfuscation | Tags: xss, csrf | ID: 23

Variable: COOKIE.gclid | Value: CjwKCAjwxLKxBhA7EiwAXO0R0JJ8LJzTR0LYdRC0qohnpMx-6WBhzkP0DAwUx2SiLsGsvsNr4MnfdxoCRjYQAvD_BwE
Impact: 7 | Tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe, lfi
Description: Detects unknown attack vectors based on PHPIDS Centrifuge detection | Tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe, lfi | ID: 67

Centrifuge detection data
Threshold: 3.49
Ratio: 2.3809523809524