Security Error 011

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Total impact: 36
Affected tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe, format string

Variable: COOKIE.handl_landing_page | Value:
Impact: 12 | Tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe, format string
Description: Detects halfwidth/fullwidth encoded unicode HTML breaking attempts | Tags: xss, csrf | ID: 13
Description: Detects nullbytes and other dangerous characters | Tags: id, rfe, xss | ID: 39
Description: Looking for a format string attack | Tags: format string | ID: 75

Variable: COOKIE.handl_url_base | Value:
Impact: 12 | Tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe, format string
Description: Detects halfwidth/fullwidth encoded unicode HTML breaking attempts | Tags: xss, csrf | ID: 13
Description: Detects nullbytes and other dangerous characters | Tags: id, rfe, xss | ID: 39
Description: Looking for a format string attack | Tags: format string | ID: 75

Variable: COOKIE.handl_url | Value:
Impact: 12 | Tags: xss, csrf, id, rfe, format string
Description: Detects halfwidth/fullwidth encoded unicode HTML breaking attempts | Tags: xss, csrf | ID: 13
Description: Detects nullbytes and other dangerous characters | Tags: id, rfe, xss | ID: 39
Description: Looking for a format string attack | Tags: format string | ID: 75